Ways To Work With Me

You have several options. In addition to my signature program, the Cancer Recovery Roadmap, I also offer Core Clearing Breathwork, general health coaching sessions using the Institute of Transformational Nutrition method, and I run seasonal reset cleanses suitable for everyone!

Ways To Work With Me

You have several options. In addition to my signature program, the Cancer Recovery Roadmap, I also offer Core Clearing Breathwork, general health coaching sessions using the Institute of Transformational Nutrition method, and I run seasonal reset cleanses suitable for everyone!

Cancer Recovery Roadmap

My 12 week holistic approach to safely detox, de-stress, and demystify health.

In addition to nutritional guidance, detoxification, lowering inflammation, and healing the gut, emotional mastery and managing stress are key aspects of the program.

I use a combination of the Transformational Trauma Technique and Core Clearing Breathwork to help dissolve emotional wounds that have been carried over from the past and manifest as stress and anxiety in the present moment.

Tune-Up Your Life Breathwork

The Core Clearing Breathwork process is a method for clearing emotional issues; heart opening and accessing Heart Intelligence for guidance in life.

Core Clearing Breathwork can assist you to dissolve the blockages that have been weighing you down and holding you back, while at the same time activating the parasympathetic nervous system and promoting increased immune function.

The development of most chronic illnesses, including cancer typically involve unhealed emotional wounds, chronic stress and a dysregulated nervous system. This is exacerbated by the stress and anxiety of the actual diagnosis.

Core Clearing Breathwork is a way to quickly and gently relieve stress, anxiety, find inner peace, and shift out of survival mode and into a state of rest and digest which is where true healing happens.

Holistic Health Coaching

Struggling to manage a chronic condition, or interested in uplevelling your health?

As a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, and Core Clearing Breathwork facilitator, I use a combination of nutrition, psychology, and emotional healing to facilitate your health transformation.

Regardless of where you are on your health journey, we will take a comprehensive look at where you’re at, how you got here, and strategies for moving forward with a three or six month plan tailored to your needs.

Individual Sessions

Not ready to commit to a longer program? Book a single or series of three sessions!

Perhaps you need a nutrition or radiation protection plan to support your body during cancer treatment, or perhaps you would just like to improve your health and have more energy to do the things you love.

Whatever it is, these sessions can help you gain clarity around your health goals, and what's stopping you from achieving them.

Together we co-create a basic framework that works for you, with step by step guidance to help you implement a nutrition, lifestyle and supplement plan to reach your own health goals.

You may be feeling

  • Exhausted. You've tried multiple modalities, but nothing seems to stick.

  • Anxious. You cannot shake this impending sense of doom.

  • Overwhelmed. Confused by what to eat, what supplements to take, how to safely detox, and how to get on with living

This is how I can help

  • Help identify the root cause factors contributing to your dis-ease with an in depth health assessment

  • Address the root cause factors with a combination of nutrition, detoxification, stress management, and various protocols to bring you back to a state of ease

  • Breathwork. This helps to dissolve emotional wounds and trauma that may be contributing to your dis-ease

You may be feeling

  • Exhausted. You've tried multiple modalities, but nothing seems to stick.

  • Anxious. You cannot shake this impending sense of doom.

  • Overwhelmed. Confused by what to eat, what supplements to take, how to safely detox, and how to get on with living

This is how I can help

  • Help identify the root cause factors contributing to your dis-ease with an in depth health assessment.

  • Address the root cause factors with a combination of nutrition, detoxification, stress management, and various protocols to bring you back to a state of ease

  • Breathwork. This helps to dissolve emotional wounds and trauma that may be contributing to your dis-ease

"After going through almost a years worth of conventional cancer treatment I knew my body needed some extra help. I was called to sign up for the Cancer Recovery Roadmap as I felt like there was so much more I could do for my body. When I found Caitlyn’s page on Instagram I automatically felt connected to everything she posted and understood her logic behind holistic and emotional healing of the body and Cancer. Once I decided to take the plunge and start the programme I haven’t looked back. I not only feel better physically but mentally I feel in control and emotionally balanced and happy. This is something I haven’t felt in a long time."

KIM, Brisbane

© caitlyn smith 2024. All rights reserved.