Love Your Liver

Liver Congestion, Cancer, and Estrogen Dominance

January 22, 20256 min read

Liver congestion lies at the heart of many chronic illnesses, including cancer. It’s also a key reason why some people have estrogen dominance and other hormone imbalances, as well as why some people struggle to lose weight.

An Overview of the Liver

A properly functioning liver is critical for health and vitality, and as the primary organ of detoxification, it’s constantly working to keep the body healthy. 

Although it has over 500 functions, it’s most commonly known as the body’s filter. This is because every minute, almost one and a half litres of blood passes through the liver to be filtered. It cleans the blood, eliminating waste and the carcinogens that we're exposed to on a daily basis. If we have a healthy liver, we will have clean, healthy blood. 

It’s the liver that processes the slew of environmental toxins that we’re exposed to in our everyday life, including any medications, chemicals and heavy metals that come into the body. Whether we inhale them, ingest them, or absorb them through our skin, every single toxin that enters the body eventually winds up in, or passes through the liver, 

Detoxification in the liver happens in two phases. Toxins enter the liver during the first phase. They are then broken down into smaller fragments, making them easier to eliminate. Fat-soluble chemicals are broken down into water-soluble compounds to prevent the body from storing these toxins in fat. During the second phase, toxins are further broken down and converted into harmless waste products that are then eliminated via the kidneys or the intestines. 

Both phases can be hindered by toxic buildup. If the rate of toxins coming into the body exceeds the rate at which the liver can process them out, the liver will become congested, very similar to how the filter in a water filtration system slows down when it becomes congested. The water still filters, but it slows right down. It becomes sluggish and in order to restore its function, it needs to be cleaned. 

How The Liver Effects Immune and Hormonal Health

A sluggish liver leads to a cascade of seemingly unrelated health complaints, because the body is one, big interconnected unit. Many of the symptoms of illness are also symptoms of liver congestion. We believe that we're in perfect health and toxins aren't an issue for us, yet we complain about frequent head or body aches, brain-fog, allergies, hormone imbalances, poor immunity, skin issues, anxiety, irritability, stubborn belly fat, or a lack of energy to name a few.

Like the congested water filter, when the liver is sluggish, it doesn’t function as well as what it should. It becomes inefficient, and this affects every other bodily system, ultimately depleting immune function. If this is allowed to go on for extended periods, the risk of cancer is significantly increased. This is a key reason why holistic and integrative cancer and autoimmune protocols are primarily centred around detoxification

One of the liver’s five hundred jobs is to filter out excess hormones. If it’s congested, it won’t be able to do this efficiently. This is a huge contributor to estrogen dominance. Instead of being excreted out, estrogen continues to recirculate around the body wrecking havoc and causing a dip in progesterone and many female health issues. Symptoms like raging PMS, heavy, painful periods, and breast cancer are all linked to a congested, sluggish liver. 

And it's not just estrogen. To make matters worse, estrogen dominance caused by liver congestion causes the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol, the stress hormone, thus leading to a buildup of excess cortisol, which then gives rise to adrenal fatigue. Stressed out adrenal glands then deplete progesterone levels further.

The good news is, a key part of balancing hormones is by cleansing the liver so that it can clear out excess estrogen and cortisol, thus restoring balance.

Eat To Support The Liver

Supporting the liver to detox and avoiding substances that hinder this process is such an important part of balancing hormones, strengthening and restoring immune function, and recovering vitality. 

The liver relies on a steady supply of vitamins and minerals and other nutrients to carry out all of its detoxification processes and so by simply avoiding known toxins and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole foods, organic, pasture-raised animal protein, and drinking plenty of water and fresh vegetable juices, we gently enhance the liver’s ability to detox efficiently. 

This cleansing process can be further enhanced by consuming specific foods and using specific herbs known to promote and support liver detoxification such as:

Cruciferous Veggetables

Sulforaphane is a potent phytonutrient that has a protective effect on the liver, and naturally promotes liver detoxification. It’s also protective against all forms of cancer and a cornerstone of any good cancer prevention plan. It is found in cruciferous vegetables such as kale, radish, rocket, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, and Brussels sprouts. 


Turmeric helps to detoxify heavy metals from the liver, and it’s anti-inflammatory and anticancer, so I like to throw an inch of fresh turmeric into smoothies or juices when it’s available, and use it liberally in my cooking.

Garlic and Onions

Garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur, the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, and a mineral required by the liver to carry out detoxification. 


A supplement called MSM is a natural source of sulfur and is often used to cleanse the liver and promote liver function. It’s also used for reducing inflammation, joint pain, and improving skin, hair and nails. It works particularly well with vitamin C

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is commonly regarded as a weed. It’s available in supplement form, usually capsules or powder, and is used for its protective effects on the liver, stimulating the growth of new liver cells, as well as aiding the detoxification process. 


Dandelion root is brilliant for promoting liver detoxification, and is well known to have anti-cancer properties. It is commonly consumed in tea form, and easily found in health food stores and some supermarkets in the tea and coffee section.

Not Sure Where to Start?

As part of my holistic cancer coaching practice, I also run short, 5-day nutrition-based reset cleanses suitable for anyone interested in disease prevention and ready to kick-start their body’s innate capacity to heal and repair. These cleanses are designed to help drive down inflammation in the body, and supply the body with the nutrients it needs to carry out all of its vital processes.

reset cleanse detox

The reset meal plans have been designed with simplicity in mind, and easy to find ingredients that promote detoxification and healing in the body. So, if you experience allergies, brain fog, skin issues, stubborn weight that won't shift weight, or struggle to make it through the afternoon without caffeine, then a short, nutritional reset cleanse can help to get you back on track

Granted, a 5-day reset cannot possibly address all of the toxins that accumulate over the course of one's lifetime, however, a quick five days can certainly reset your eating habits, reduce your cravings, and lay the foundation to help kick start your body's innate healing ability. As part of a whole process, it's extremely valuable.

Unlike other available programs that are longer, I intentionally make these short because it’s a realistic time-frame for busy people. It’s achievable, and I want you to have a win!

Find out more information here 

cancercleanse detoxliverliver health
blog author image

Caitlyn Smith

Caitlyn is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, Core Clearing Breathwork facilitator, long term cancer survivor, and founder of the Cancer Recovery Roadmap program. Her story of her own cancer diagnosis put her on an unconventional path towards health and vitality.

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Love Your Liver

Liver Congestion, Cancer, and Estrogen Dominance

January 22, 20256 min read

Liver congestion lies at the heart of many chronic illnesses, including cancer. It’s also a key reason why some people have estrogen dominance and other hormone imbalances, as well as why some people struggle to lose weight.

An Overview of the Liver

A properly functioning liver is critical for health and vitality, and as the primary organ of detoxification, it’s constantly working to keep the body healthy. 

Although it has over 500 functions, it’s most commonly known as the body’s filter. This is because every minute, almost one and a half litres of blood passes through the liver to be filtered. It cleans the blood, eliminating waste and the carcinogens that we're exposed to on a daily basis. If we have a healthy liver, we will have clean, healthy blood. 

It’s the liver that processes the slew of environmental toxins that we’re exposed to in our everyday life, including any medications, chemicals and heavy metals that come into the body. Whether we inhale them, ingest them, or absorb them through our skin, every single toxin that enters the body eventually winds up in, or passes through the liver, 

Detoxification in the liver happens in two phases. Toxins enter the liver during the first phase. They are then broken down into smaller fragments, making them easier to eliminate. Fat-soluble chemicals are broken down into water-soluble compounds to prevent the body from storing these toxins in fat. During the second phase, toxins are further broken down and converted into harmless waste products that are then eliminated via the kidneys or the intestines. 

Both phases can be hindered by toxic buildup. If the rate of toxins coming into the body exceeds the rate at which the liver can process them out, the liver will become congested, very similar to how the filter in a water filtration system slows down when it becomes congested. The water still filters, but it slows right down. It becomes sluggish and in order to restore its function, it needs to be cleaned. 

How The Liver Effects Immune and Hormonal Health

A sluggish liver leads to a cascade of seemingly unrelated health complaints, because the body is one, big interconnected unit. Many of the symptoms of illness are also symptoms of liver congestion. We believe that we're in perfect health and toxins aren't an issue for us, yet we complain about frequent head or body aches, brain-fog, allergies, hormone imbalances, poor immunity, skin issues, anxiety, irritability, stubborn belly fat, or a lack of energy to name a few.

Like the congested water filter, when the liver is sluggish, it doesn’t function as well as what it should. It becomes inefficient, and this affects every other bodily system, ultimately depleting immune function. If this is allowed to go on for extended periods, the risk of cancer is significantly increased. This is a key reason why holistic and integrative cancer and autoimmune protocols are primarily centred around detoxification

One of the liver’s five hundred jobs is to filter out excess hormones. If it’s congested, it won’t be able to do this efficiently. This is a huge contributor to estrogen dominance. Instead of being excreted out, estrogen continues to recirculate around the body wrecking havoc and causing a dip in progesterone and many female health issues. Symptoms like raging PMS, heavy, painful periods, and breast cancer are all linked to a congested, sluggish liver. 

And it's not just estrogen. To make matters worse, estrogen dominance caused by liver congestion causes the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol, the stress hormone, thus leading to a buildup of excess cortisol, which then gives rise to adrenal fatigue. Stressed out adrenal glands then deplete progesterone levels further.

The good news is, a key part of balancing hormones is by cleansing the liver so that it can clear out excess estrogen and cortisol, thus restoring balance.

Eat To Support The Liver

Supporting the liver to detox and avoiding substances that hinder this process is such an important part of balancing hormones, strengthening and restoring immune function, and recovering vitality. 

The liver relies on a steady supply of vitamins and minerals and other nutrients to carry out all of its detoxification processes and so by simply avoiding known toxins and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole foods, organic, pasture-raised animal protein, and drinking plenty of water and fresh vegetable juices, we gently enhance the liver’s ability to detox efficiently. 

This cleansing process can be further enhanced by consuming specific foods and using specific herbs known to promote and support liver detoxification such as:

Cruciferous Veggetables

Sulforaphane is a potent phytonutrient that has a protective effect on the liver, and naturally promotes liver detoxification. It’s also protective against all forms of cancer and a cornerstone of any good cancer prevention plan. It is found in cruciferous vegetables such as kale, radish, rocket, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, and Brussels sprouts. 


Turmeric helps to detoxify heavy metals from the liver, and it’s anti-inflammatory and anticancer, so I like to throw an inch of fresh turmeric into smoothies or juices when it’s available, and use it liberally in my cooking.

Garlic and Onions

Garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur, the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, and a mineral required by the liver to carry out detoxification. 


A supplement called MSM is a natural source of sulfur and is often used to cleanse the liver and promote liver function. It’s also used for reducing inflammation, joint pain, and improving skin, hair and nails. It works particularly well with vitamin C

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is commonly regarded as a weed. It’s available in supplement form, usually capsules or powder, and is used for its protective effects on the liver, stimulating the growth of new liver cells, as well as aiding the detoxification process. 


Dandelion root is brilliant for promoting liver detoxification, and is well known to have anti-cancer properties. It is commonly consumed in tea form, and easily found in health food stores and some supermarkets in the tea and coffee section.

Not Sure Where to Start?

As part of my holistic cancer coaching practice, I also run short, 5-day nutrition-based reset cleanses suitable for anyone interested in disease prevention and ready to kick-start their body’s innate capacity to heal and repair. These cleanses are designed to help drive down inflammation in the body, and supply the body with the nutrients it needs to carry out all of its vital processes.

reset cleanse detox

The reset meal plans have been designed with simplicity in mind, and easy to find ingredients that promote detoxification and healing in the body. So, if you experience allergies, brain fog, skin issues, stubborn weight that won't shift weight, or struggle to make it through the afternoon without caffeine, then a short, nutritional reset cleanse can help to get you back on track

Granted, a 5-day reset cannot possibly address all of the toxins that accumulate over the course of one's lifetime, however, a quick five days can certainly reset your eating habits, reduce your cravings, and lay the foundation to help kick start your body's innate healing ability. As part of a whole process, it's extremely valuable.

Unlike other available programs that are longer, I intentionally make these short because it’s a realistic time-frame for busy people. It’s achievable, and I want you to have a win!

Find out more information here 

cancercleanse detoxliverliver health
blog author image

Caitlyn Smith

Caitlyn is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, Core Clearing Breathwork facilitator, long term cancer survivor, and founder of the Cancer Recovery Roadmap program. Her story of her own cancer diagnosis put her on an unconventional path towards health and vitality.

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